It is neither their flesh nor their blood that reaches ALLAH (swt), it is your Piety that reaches HIM. (22: 37)
It’s the time of Year again, to fulfill the Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim AS, Prophet Ismail AS and Prophet Muhammad SAAW. Qurbani is the sacrifice of a Livestock Animal who is financially able to do so at the time of Eid Al Adha. Let us appreciate ALLAH’s blessings on us and share the Gifts with the Poor and Needy.

Once the companion of the Prophet (PBUH) asked him about the benefits of Qurbai.
He answered: “A reward for EVERY HAIR”
They asked: “And wool, O Prophet of ALLAH?”
He said: “A reward for every fiber of the wool”
So, Who Will You Share Your Gift Of Sacrifice With?
Bookmyqurbanis.com is involved in Qurbani works since 2012. We understand the difficulties one faces while buying and distributing the Qurbani Meat be it for the Eid or Aqeeqah or Simple Sadaqah (Charity). At the same time, there are countless people who are Poor and cannot afford to Offer the Qurbani and/or doesn’t have the means to eat Meat often. Hence to bridge this gap, Our team has come up with this idea of “Online Qurbani” where You can Order the Qurbani for Eid Al Adha or Aqeeqah or anything and we facilitate things for you. You simply order and we’ll do the rest on you behalf. It’s been a decade that we are doing this service and the first in Hyderabad (India) to start this online service.
Your Privileged status is a blessing of Almighty, Use it to bring Smile to the hearts of less fortunate and receive their gift of Prayers.

Things You need to Do:
1) Choose any suitable Option for Qurbani animal online from anywhere in the world.
2) Provide details on whose behalf the animal is to be slaughtered and on which day.
3) Make the Payment using Debit /Credit Card, Paypal or Bank Transfer.
Things We will Do:
1) Buy the animal for you.
2) Slaughter on behalf of the given name as per the day specified by you.
3) Distribute the Meat to Orphans, Widows, Poor Families or Madrasas (per your choice) across the city.
1) Up on request, we can send Photos of slaughtering Animal that you have selected.
2) The Qurbani will be carried out as per the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAAW.
3) The meat is distributed fresh and packed with minimum of is 2-5 kilograms of meat which feeds a family of 4-8 people.
4) Local Laws (Indian) will be followed.
Udhya 2022
1 Share in Big Animal
@US $45/-
1 Small Animal
@US $140/-
Qurbani in one (1) Big Animal equals seven (7) shares of sacrifice.