by admin | Aug 17, 2018 | Qurbani
Principles of Qurbani: Importance: We all know how important and auspicious is Qurbani in Islam. Rasoolullah (SAAW) said that when an animal is sacrificed no sooner than a drop of blood falls on the ground, the person offering Qurbani becomes free from his...
by admin | Aug 8, 2018 | Qurbani
Doing the Qurbani is a very virtuous act in the sight of Allah. In this regard, Aisha (R.A) says that Rasulullah (S.A.S) said: مَا عَمِلَ ابْنُ آدَمَ يَوْمَ النَّحْرِ عَمَلًا أَحَبُّ إِلَى اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ، مِنْ اِهرَاقَةِ دَمٍ، وَإِنَّهُ لَيَأْتِيْ يَوْمَ...